To eliminate the problem, we must find, and deal with the cause of the problem - source unknown

How I discovered homeopathy
What is homeopathy?
31 years ago I gave birth to my first son, Ben. When he was 9 months old, he developed a persistent cough. Over the next 18 months, many courses of antibiotics were prescribed, but the cough continued, and by this time I noticed he had become increasingly prone to ear and chest infections as well. At the age of two, he ended up in hospital with pneumonia.
At this stage I decided to take Ben to a homeopath. I knew very little of homeopathy at the time, but I had recently been to a talk on it and felt it was worth a try. Over the course of the next 12 months, with homeopathic treatment, Ben’s cough started to improve. What I also noticed was that he became more resistant to infections and was generally a much happier child. Homeopathy had treated all of him and not just his cough.
I am not against antibiotics, or indeed any other orthodox medicine. They may be invaluable in certain circumstances, and can indeed save lives. What I learnt from Ben’s experience is that too many antibiotics, given repeatedly can weaken the immune system.
Hence my interest in homeopathy began. I started to look into adult education classes and signed up for a ‘Homeopathy for Beginners’ Course, run by a local homeopath. She inspired me, I could feel that tingle inside of me and was hungry to learn more. A year later I was sitting at a desk in the College of Homeopathy and went on to complete their four-year training, qualifying as a homeopath in 1997.
Homeopathy is safe, gentle and effective. It is a widely used and respected form of medicine, which has been established for over 200 years and is ideal for those wishing to take greater charge of their health.
Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine, which takes a holistic approach to health. It treats illness by stimulating the body’s unique healing powers. It recognizes that your physical symptoms may be linked to your mental, spiritual and emotional state and all are equally important in creating your overall well being.
A fundamental principle of homeopathy is that of the individual prescription which is given for the ‘person’, rather than the disease. This explains why two people with apparently similar illnesses, may be treated with different remedies.
Alium Cepa - the red onion

For example, we have all experienced the streaming eyes and nose when chopping an onion. It affects the mucus membranes of the nose, eyes and larynx, causing violent sneezing and an acrid discharge from the nose. Because homeopathy works with similars, the remedy Allium Cepa, made from the red onion, is commonly used for colds and hayfever.
How does it work?
The body, in its healthy state, has a natural capacity to heal itself. For example, when you cut yourself, your body directs its own resources to heal the wound. This capacity for self-healing works throughout the body. Sometimes, however, the system cannot cope on its own. Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body’s own immune system to heal itself so it naturally overcomes infections and illnesses.
Is it safe?
Homeopathic remedies are made from naturally occurring animal, plant and mineral substances. They are prepared using a process of dilution to produce a safe, effective, gentle yet profoundly powerful remedy. Properly used, the remedies are safe, non-toxic and non-addictive. Homeopathy works alongside and supports conventional medicine as well.
What conditions can be treated?
Because homeopathy treats the whole person and not just a disease, it can be effective in the treatment of virtually any complaint.
You can seek the advice of a homeopath simply because you "don't feel quite right". Homeopathy has successfully helped many people feeling this way