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Base Chakra Therapeutics

Below is a th file on .....

pdf will open in a new window for them to download

Docs will go staraight into the download box

Or could create a first page of Base Chakra Th (for e.g.) and then link each item to another page - where you've copied and pasted the article/document to.  EG

Base Chakra Th:

Fight or flight the story



Make the main page (once logged in) to be the index - so for e.g.:

By chakra?

Base Chakra/Muladhara

Then under this - all the different subject headings - 

depending on what you're uploading (another page with the info on, a document or a pdf - how are you going to do this?





I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.

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