Coming Soon......

Welcome to my website which I have recently updated - still a work in progress..... I am excited to be introducing a new page to my website - a private members area where I can share my work, my thoughts, my passions and anything else that may be of interest.
Many who know me have asked me many times in the past when am I going to write my book? I'm aware that the years are passing and still I don't have any clear vision as to how this will come about. But ideas are emerging and the solution I've come up with is a private page on my website.
I am currently working out the easiest way of doing this and would welcome any feedback & advice. Most of this information will only be of interest to like-minded homeopaths, yogis, and flower essence therapists and of course students of these professions. Anything I feel may be of interest to all will be posted to my blog. Categories I plan to upload to - in the form of pdfs and possibly some recordings and films - are as follows:
Homeopathic Remedy Combinations, Alaskan Essence Combinations - bringing the two together.
My therapeutics
The Endocrine system incorporating the chakras including recordings of my teachings
How I combine working with homeopathy, essences and yoga
I am looking forward to this project and welcome any further ideas, comments and feedback. I shall be setting up a mailing list/subscribe/notification section in the future, but for the time being if you would like further information in how to access this page, please email me your name, profession, qualification and where you trained and I'll get back to you.